Our Financials

Your support of Volunteers of America helps make possible the high-quality programs and services offered by our subsidiaries and our 31 affiliates across the country.

The following financial information is intended to provide comprehensive, transparent operating information about our organization.

It is important to note that the audited financials for Volunteers of America, Inc., and its subsidiaries present an incomplete picture of our organization's overall business operations and financial results. To gain a more complete understanding of our finances as a whole, please refer to our consolidated pro-forma Form 990, which includes financial information for Volunteers of America, Inc., and its subsidiaries, as well as its 31 affiliates (see link below). Volunteers of America is exempt from filing Form 990 under Section 6033(a)(2)(A)(i), as an exempt organization described in Section 170(b)(1)(A)(i). However, in the interest of transparency, the organization completes a pro-forma Form 990.